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Suitable for executives and residents seeking health and well-being. Participants are recommended to commit to 4-8 sessions, each between 30-60 min. to gain progress for body and mind following the Iyengar Yoga methodology.
Those who are working from home would find this customised private sessions especially effective to maintain a health regime and change of perspective under same environment.
適合居家工作或自我隔離人士。建議初學者學習4-8節,每節30-60分鐘,才能感受如何通過艾揚格瑜伽學習伸展身心, 為自己釋放正能量。
Class Summary:
Day - Any day 9am-6pm;
Length - 30-60 mins;
Trainer - Karen;
Code: Online Privates upto 60 min
Stock Status: Instock
Product Quantity: 8
Views: 60816
Date Available: 2014-04-05
Requires Shipping: No
Job Code: Online Privates upto 60 min
"Iyengar Yoga Study Club" - IYSC - is initiated to continue the self-study of Iyengar Yoga based on one's timing and schedule. It is designed through mutual discussion of needs and interests to broaden one's understanding of yoga.
Mr. BKS Iyengar's heritage of books, articles, methodology will form the backbone of this study club. Each participant would commit quarterly commencing Jan, Apr, July and Oct.
Nominal fee to join the club with pre-requisite that participants would join online class 4 times a..
Code: Iyengar Yoga Study Club (‘IYSC’)
Stock Status: Instock
Product Quantity: 20
Views: 1894
Date Available: 2018-07-26
Requires Shipping: No
Job Code: Iyengar Yoga Study Club (‘IYSC’)
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)
Yoga Central Ltd