2020 Update - since June

Posted On 17/11/2017 |  Last Update 12/09/2021 |  Read 5228 times | 

New students to commit 4 classes so we could trace and update your state of health in case of government requirements. Class size has strict limit; must book before joining.

In view of Covid-19 virus concerns, trials are not permitted but new students could enrol with 4-class pack for better study and improve their health/immunity.

Each class size would have a strict limit based on government guidance; do book before joining.  Regular students would be informed via chat groups; rejoining students kindly email to enquire class availability.

As Chair of Iyengar Yoga Association of Hong Kong, I will conduct a free online class for the association members locally and overseas in Cantonese on 5-March-2021 evening. Other students may enquire to events.iyahk@gmail.com or search for "IYAHK" Facebook and "iyahkg" Instagram to get more information. 

Look forward to seeing you "virtually"!